Dirt Tricks chain wear gage is a very simple tool to determine if you chain has reached its wear limit and should be replaced. We are asked all the time “How do I know when my chain is worn out?” The best way to check this is to measure it! Regina Chain’s replacement wear spec for 520 chain is 10.099″ between 16 pins. When you hit 10.099″ of length between 16 pins, its time for a new chain. Most people do not own 12″ calipers to take this measurement, so this tool is a great way to check.
How is works: Put your bike in gear and roll it backwards so the top chain gets tight. Hook a roller with the hook end of our tool and drop the indicator tip down onto the chain. If the tip of the gauge does not fit, its time for a new chain.
Learn more on how to measure CHAIN WEAR.