Straight crossbars or damper crossbars?
Straight Crossbars are for rider that are not running a steering damper at all, or are running a damper mounted under the bar.
Damper Crossbars are for riders that are running an over the bar steering damper. The raised crossbars allow room for mounting the damper above the bar.
How to tell what generation and length crossbar you need:
Crossbar length:
Long crossbars are 10” long from end to end. Long crossbars are found on our wider Moto bar.
Short crossbars are 9” long from end to end. Short crossbars are found on our narrower Enduro bar and our Adventure bar.
See the pictures with the measuring tape for further clarification.
What Generation Bars Do I Have?
Gen 1: Bars manufactured prior to August 2010 need periodic service of the pivot points, this kit provides you with all of the necessary parts to perform the service. Flexx Handlebars manufactured prior to August 2010 do require routine maintenance to the pivot points to maintain consistent performance.
Gen 2: The Gen 2 Factory fresh kit is for bars made from August 2010 to March 2014. Typically this generation bar does not need the pivot points rebuilt, but they're included if you would like to.
Gen 3: The Gen 3 Factory fresh kit is for bars made from April 2014 and on. Typically this generation bar does not need the pivot points rebuilt, but they're included if you would like to.